We employ a personalized style of medicine that approaches chronic medical conditions with a focus on finding the core imbalances, or underlying root causes, rather than just treating your symptoms will a one size fits all pill.
Conditions Treated
At Golden Road, our focus is on treating the person, not the disease. We treat inflammation, toxic burden, hormone dysregulation, intestinal permeability, and a whole host of other root causes of symptoms that lead to diseases and diagnoses.
We support depleted or genetically altered enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and many other necessary components of the vital pathways that allow your body to heal itself. We help you discover and get rid of, the toxic lifestyle choices that continue to lead to your disease while implementing healthy alternatives.
The conditions listed below are not limited to what we treat, as the scope of functional medicine is broad, rather these are some of the most common conditions seen and treated at Golden Road:
- Anxiety/Stress
- ADHD/ Concentration issues
- Low Energy/ Brain Fog
- Neurological symptoms/ Heavy Metal exposure
- Hashimoto’s Disease / Thyroid conditions
- Hormone imbalances (Peri-Menopause, PMS, infertility, low libido, ED, etc.)
- High Blood Pressure and cholesterol
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
- Obesity
As such, our integrative medicine approach is based on the following:
- We use a variety of treatment modalities, both Eastern and Western
- Holistically oriented, focusing on mind, body, and spirit
- Focuses on optimal health – not just the absence of symptoms or disease
- Requires patient to take an active role in health creation – It is your body, only you can make the changes it needs. We are just here to help you find the path.
- Acknowledges the multi-factorial nature of complex situations, requiring a multi-dimensional approach
- A preference for natural, non-toxic therapies – harnessing the body’s innate ability to heal itself
How It Works

Membership Based Care
Dr. Courtney King provides concierge membership based care, allowing the patient as much access to her as they need, to find their true and optimal health. Full functional membership starts with a minimum of 6-months, depending on the severity of your disease, and length of time you have been sick. Your monthly fees include all visits, and there are no additional co-pays, and therefore no extra barriers to get the care you need. Most of our patients experience significant improvements to their wellness within a few weeks of implementing their personalized plan. Many patients are Golden Road lifers, because they love the support, guidance, and knowledge of their personal Integrative physician at all times. Shorter personalized Medical Detox, Hormone balancing, Integrative ADHD treatment, and other packages, are also available.

Follow Ups
Follow up appointments are typically conducted via HIPPA compliant telemedicine/ video visits. No more time driving, parking, or waiting rooms with other, sicker, patients. Create health in the comfort of your own home! As many follow up visits as needed are included in your membership; You will always be supported. Lab result follow-ups are typically 45 min, and health check-in visits are shorter, as we continue to tweak different aspects of your health. You have direct email access to Dr. King, 6 sessions with your Functional health coach, and all workshops are included. A private Facebook group gives you access to like-minded people in the community making the same health changes that you are. Find recipes, ask questions, and share experiences, so that no one goes it alone!

What Makes Golden Road Medicine Different?
Dr. Courtney King knows that it takes time to listen to your story, discover the root causes of your illness, restore balance, and attain one’s ultimate health. With this in mind, Golden Road offers concierge medical memberships for a limited number of patients, where our relationships, accountability, time, and open access to care generate amazing results.

Our Unique Approach To Achieving Optimal Health
Golden Road knows that chronic stress is one of the most common roots of illness and a barrier to optimal health. First, we check for any thyroid, adrenal, toxin overload, or hormonal imbalances that could be keeping you down. We also incorporate many techniques to help control that sympathetic response (“fight or flight”), and, together, we will find what works for you!

Our Philosophy On Functional Medicine
The concept of “functional medicine” is prioritized at Golden Road. It turns out that there is no magic bullet, one size fits all diet, nor one pill that can cure everything that ails you. Your genetics, family history, life stressors, attitude, environmental exposures, and lifestyle intermingle and impact your individual health. Learn how, and why, all of these aspects are important for lasting health.
Wondering If Golden Road Is Right For You?
Maybe you have some questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision on becoming a patient. After reading the FAQ section to learn more about the practice details, feel free to book a call with Dr. King today.